People Needing Prayer wants all to know we gladly accept unspoken prayer requests, for folks who must or wish to remain anonymous, and for those who must keep their circumstances confidential.

We are living in some troubled times and many folks have unusual circumstances. We welcome your unspoken (anonymous) requests as the Lord knows the person and the need before you even ask!

Even though you are not posted today we are praying for you and your needs. 

God Bless You!  

Angelina - Please pray for Angelina to come home, for her safety and for her mental healing.

Daniel - Please pray for Daniel for his needs.

Mary - Please pray for Mary.

Debbie - Please pray for Debbie.

Mimi - Please pray for Mimi and her Luminal Heart Artery Diaease.

Kelly - Please pray for Kelly for her housing needs.

Ron - Please pray for Ron's shoulder to heal quickly and for his finances during this time.

Cliff - Please pray for Cliff regarding his PSA levels.

Don - Please pray for Don's friend with alcoholism and pray for his finances.

Randy - Please pray for Randy for his cellulitis.

Kalekam - Please pray for Kalekam's hair falling out and mental state.

Gregory - Please pray for Gregory's genetic condition affecting his vision.

Virginia - Please pray for Virginia for healing.

Glen - Please pray for Glen as his mom has passed away - pray for divine healing in his family.

Glen - Please pray for Glen as his mom isn't doing well and he is having family problems.

Dorotha - Please pray for Dorotha as she is battling covid and has been moved to hospice.

Janine - Please pray for Janine as she has been battling cancer for 3 plus years.

David - Please pray for David as he is home alone while his wife is in rehab facility recovering.

Barbara - Please pray for Barbara as she is recovering from foot injury and heart problems and is in rehab. Pray that she can be home for Christmas.

Bob - Please pray for Bob as he is recovering from bladder cancer surgery.

MP - Please pray for MP going through tremendous stress and depression.

Marlene - Please pray for Marlene as she is in the hospital after back surgery on a ventilator.

Glen - Please pray for Glen as he is in the hospital after a bad wreck with his neighbor - where his neighbor did  not make it.

Sam - Please pray for Sam's son Tien as he is struggling with depression.

Annie - Please pray for Annie's husband and his addiction to porn and their marriage.

Jesse - Please pray for Jesse for personal growth, finances and career changing and life decisions.

Ryan - Please pray for Ryan's family and his Dad's cancer.

Anonymous - Please pray for this person - you know all their needs.

Robert - Please pray for Robert as he is fighting lympoma and anxiety from it as well.

Neo - Please pray for Neo's adult daughter to turn to God as she is struggling.

Sheila - Please pray for Shiela as she is in the hospital and can't swallow - waiting for test results.

Mike - Please pray for Mike as he was diagnosed with Alzheimers and cancer.

Richard - Please pray for Richard to deliver from illness.

Sheila - Please pray for Shiela as she is in the hospital with high blood pressure.

Misty R - Please pray for Misty as she was hit head on by a Full dump truck - both legs are broken and in bad shape, 7 of the 12 ribs are broke, broken pelvis and severly broken arm. She is in ICU fighting for her life.

Sheila and Glen - Please pray for Shiela and Glen as they just lost their son due to suicide.

Hana - Please pray for Hana recovering froma brain injury from a terrible car wreck caused by a drunk driver.

Ella - Please pray for Ella as she was in a car wreck with Hana caused by a drunk driver.

Paul - Please pray for Paul as he is in the hospital fighting covid.

Chase - Please pray for Chase's family after the loss of his Dad.

Tracye & Justin - Please pray for Tracye as Social Security is terminating her son's disability benefits at hte end of the month which is needed to survive.

Janine - Please pray for Janine - Janine recovered from breast cancer, but now has been disgnosed with brain cancer and is experiencing seizures... please pray for complete healing. She is a friend from high school. I was on the volleyball team with her younger sister. send healing angels to fight this cancer. 

Rae - Please pray for Rae to keep her home.

Anna - Please pray for Anna as she is at a major crossroad in life. She is in a toxic work environment and leaving would impact her pay. Pray for a job of equal or more pay as well as the confidence to make the change for the better. 

Moni - Please pray for dismisal of her court case.

Ellie - Please pray for healing for her mental health.

Anne - Please pray for Mike, Barbara, Mike Anita, Heidi, Tim, Laura, George, Anne, amd Ginny... All these souls need prayers to lift them up as they all have serious medical issues. They serve God and are believers, but need our help in prayer.

Anonymous - Please pray that my daughters circumstances will change and she will not lose her home.Many thanks and blessings

Holly - Please pray for her family to be saved, and for all curses and deals made with the devil to be broken so her family can reunite for a loving family

Jerry - Please pray for healing for Jerry as he is battling recovering from covid as well as the flu - he had tested positive for both. He is very hoarse and very tired and often short of breath. Pray for complete healling.

Mardella - Please pray for Mardella as she fell and broke her hip. She is in her 80s and is going in for surgery tomorrow. Pray for healing angels to surround her and that she recovers quickly.

Franky - Please pray for healing for Franky as he has covid-19 and in the hospital in ICU, sedated and on a ventilator - he also is diabetic and had a blood sugar of 800. Pray for complete healing.

Sherwin - Please pray for healing for Sherwin as he is in the hospital right now 700+ miles from home.

Gary - Please pray for Gary as he going in for open heart surgery.

Morgan - Please pray for Morgan as her and her mom are both in need of surgery, in need of jobs along with peace and healing from the past.

Chip - Please continue to pray for Chip as he is battling cancer and hospice has come to his home to help care for him.

Brandt - Please pray for Brandt as he is in the hospital with Covid. Brandt is a very healthy person with no pre-existing conditions - but is very very sick right now battling Covid-19.

Lauren - Please pray for Lauren's Dad who is an athiest. Pray that her dad finds Gog as he is going through a lot.

Unknown - Please pray for this person to help them stop drinking so it will remove the hate and guilt and the way they act when drinking. Please deliver them from the guilt and the drinking problmem.

Crystal - Please pray for Crystal's son and his employment - pray that he gets a job and everything clears from his last employer. 

Sherri - Please pray for Sherri as she is worried about her friend Jami.

Jami - Please pray for Jami in ICU - he needs a miracle - doctors are saying he may not survive. 

Bev - Please pray for Kari's Aunt Bev as she is in the hospital recovering from a massive stroke.

Sam - K4MOS - Please pray for Sam as he is in ICU battling double pneumonia as well as a bacterial and viral infection - all Non-Covid. Pray for strength and healing for Sam.

Chip  Please pray for Chip as he has a weakened immune system and battling shingles.

Connie's Mom along with Connie and Tom  Please pray for them as Connie's Mom is in the hospital.

Cami  Please pray for Cami as she was just diagnosed with breast cancer.

Bailey  Please pray for Bailey for long term covid symptoms along with being in remission from stage 3 thyroid cancer - pray for healing and complete recovery.

Siobhain  Please pray for Siobhain so her and her husband can conceive a baby.

Jack Blanchard  Please pray for Jack as his wife Misty is in the hospital and he can't even go see her. Pray she will come home soon.

Misty Morgan  Please pray for Misty Morgan as she is in the hospital and her husband Jack can't go to see her. Pray for healing, speedy recovery and pray for Jack as well.

Jeanie  Please pray for Jeanie as she is recovering from foot surgery involving a steel plate and 13 screws. Pray for quick healing and recovery.

Chip  Please pray for Chip as he is suffering with shingles.

Misty  Please pray for Misty as she is sick and loosing weight.

Connie  Please pray for Connie as she has no food and is very hungry.

Becky  Please pray for Becky's autistic son as he has chronic constipation - please pray that God will heal his stomach completely so that he wont have anymore elimination problems.

Dennis  Please pray for a financial belssing before Christmas so that he can help others.

Cindy Raikes Wilson  Please pray for Cindy as she is fighting for her life with Covid and a stroke.

Jan  Please pray for Jan and lift her up, as she grieves over the loss of her sister.

John Sargent and wife  Please pray for John and his wife as they have covid-19.

Jami  Please pray for Jami as she has mental health issues.

Tim  Please pray for Tim as he has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Donald Trump  Please pray for protection for Donald Trump.

Sandi Please pray for healing for Sandi as she is in the hospital with a perforated bowel

TLM Please pray for TLM for her mother-in-law who is hospitalized with covid-19

Zoey Please pray for Zoey for peace and devine wisdom and to follow God's path for her

Heartbroken Please pray for blessings, healing and wisdom for their marriage.

Barb and Ward Please pray for Devine healing, blessings and wisdom for Barb and Ward. 

Razzy Bailey Please pray for healing for Razzy as he was in a bad car wreck and broke his back. 

Zach Conley Please pray for Zach as he has contracted Covid-19.

Tim  Please pray for Tim as he has been diagnosed with prostate cancer.

Dorotha  Please pray for Dorotha as she in the hospital with abnormal bleeding

Charlie  Please pray for Charlie as he has two bulging discs and leg pain.

Gunner  Please pray for Gunner as he was seriously injured in a car wreck. Pray for all the surgeons so Gunner can regain his ability to walk, mend his broken bones, and relieve his pain.

Cliff  Please pray for Cliff's heart and for healing.

Angelia  Please pray for Angelia as she has a mass on her brain.

Mr Donathn  Please pray for healing from fatty liver disease and pray for peace in his family.

Jayme  Please pray that Jayme passes his medical board exam. 

Angelina  Please pray that Angelina's mental state. 

Sav  Please pray for Sav and  partner as they have an interview about getting a new appartment.

Angelina  Please pray that Angelina's mental state. 

Gigi  Please pray for Gigi's daughter to healfrom trauma going back to 2017

Jim  Please pray for Jim, as he had a stroke and is still in the hospital. Pray for devine healing and strength.

Shiela  Please pray for Sheila for devine healing after recent surgery.

Wendy  Please pray for Wendy to be filled with the holy spirit and get re-committed to the Lord. She has stopped studying and praying without reason.

Josh  Please pray for Josh to find God's strength in his weakness and to serve others instead of himself - for God to bless Josh abundantly trusting him. And for AJ, Blake, Jacob, Heather and Connor to have God's strength in their weakness as well. 

Suzy  Please pray for Suzy and give her strength in her relationship.

Christopher  Please pray for Christopher's stomach and mind to be healed from IBS and appetite loss.

Jim D.  Please pray for Jim as he has sciatica and nerve damage that has been going on for a long time which is affecting his neck and left shoulder.

Kat (Katherine)  Please pray for Kat as she is fighting Brain Cancer and is in the hospital. Praying  for devine intervention.

David Vaughn Please pray for David as he lost his job and very depressed

Toni  Please pray for the spots on her lungs that might be cancerous

Memphis  Young girl having surgery

Paul  Please pray for Paul for his cancer of his tongue that returned after several years

Tammy  Please pray for her tumors

Vadah  This is Tammy's daughter - Vadah is addicted to drugs & won't goto rehab

Christy  Please pray for Christy as she is having surgery for breast cancer right before Christmas.

Dave Please pray for Dave as he had an accident that burned about 20% of his body and is in a burn ICU awaiting more skin graft surgery. He is in a lot of pain.

Chuck Pray for Chuck as he lost his 7 yr old little boy in tragedy at the hands of this boy's mother resulting in both their deaths

Billy  Pray for Billy as he has cared for his wife who has been sick for over 5 years. Billy fell twice & ended up in the hospital sick with sepsis and while stuck in the hospital and other family caring for his wife - his wife didn't make it and has gone home. Billy is still hospitalized and now grieving. Please pray for strength and healing as he is in pain & recovering while grieving.

Sarah  Prayer request for Sarah please be praying for her healing and that God will lead the hands and minds of the doctors as they work with Sarah and pray for her husband that Gods angels will surround the both of them as God heals, blesses and protects.   

Randy please pray for healing from cancer and peace for his family

No Name Given health. cancer cure.long life.healings

Wanjala  Please pray for a financial breakthrough in my life.


Jamie c Please for my husband who is out of a job. He started helping a friend at his job. Plsase pray that they get flooded with work not just for our family but for his also. We believe in prayer and we already Thank God for this blessing. God\'s blessing\'s to you.

RJH  Iam asking for prayer for my family we are really going through a tough time, i have three special needs grand kids one that was born at 24wks have not yet been able to get to church for a proper christianing, i really believe god has brought her through that time of her life. the doctors all kept saying was not going to make it, or she will be blind and have other medical problems. I was told she should have been name miracle they had her listed in her records as still born, she was born in 2008, they found out in 2010 that she was still with us in is doing good, we was told that she has died several times while in the hospital, her mom died right after she had her and god aloud their souls to return to their bodies.Doing that time i promise god to let my grnd chld live and i will see that she will grow and worship him, that she be given back to him so i place her life in the palm of his hands and i left it there. But from that day to this one hard time has taken its toll on this family, our transportaion all went out around the same time, my husbnd took sick and fianancis are little to none, So iam asking for prayer in all area for this family, please say a special prayer for other families that may be going through the same thing . Thank You [ May GOD KEEP YOU]

Jason Please pray that God will bring my wife back and restore our marriage. She believes i have been unfaithful and will not stay together after 16 years of marriage. We have 3 sons and we need and love her. Please pray that God will take this anger from her and heal our marriage. please pray also the she will see how much she needs God in her life and come back to Him.

Larry  Please pray for my brother Larry. He's getting into drugs.

Angel i am going trough a horrible time in the natural. my wife left and took my son from me and makes it impossible for me to see him hes 3 hes my little prince i love him so much she knows that but uses my love for him to hurt me but i now know why this all happened i let my love for her take the #1 spot in my heart and not god and all my trust in her and now shes become my worst enemy , but out of this storm god touched me and called me and placed in my heart new goals and desires in life one of them is to win souls for god by sharing the good news gospel so in the midst of my storm i will pray for others and worship our father because he is great and loved us even before we wre born

Laura  Please pray for healing.

Concerned My son had a job interview recently has heard nothing however i am requesting continuous prayer for him and all those persons involved that they will agree and he will be favored for the position.this need is urgent

Renee  Please pray for strength resulting from a divorce.

Carolyn You know, O Lord, how hard it is to lose independence and a sense of self. Now that I am jobless and continue seeking employment , there are times I struggle with who I am and how to meet my needs. Guide me during this nightmare. Let me not sink into the darkness of hopelessness and despair, but light my path with people and opportunities to grant me financial stability and security again. Do not leave me, and help me stop feeling forsaken while I wait for new financial life. Amen

Kevin  Stage 4 prostate cancer that has spread to the intestines and bones. Radiation treatments daily for the next 10 days. Asking for strength and healing.

Alice  Please pray for financial help.

Lynn  Please pray for healing of my teenage cousin. she is suffering and she might die if the doctors cant find out what is wrong with her.

Benjamin Please pray for family needs.

No Name Given  Please pray for true Justice to be done in my situation.For Money to not only survive but also to be able to pay my child support, taxes, and get my license back and be able to buy a vehicle.
To keep my Daughter and other family and friends safe. That I will be able to find a way to travel to see my Daughter.....To relieve me of depression and chronic pain. To bring my true mate into my life in Christ.
Please pray for all of the prayer partners and that they may be heard also.

Roger  Please pray for family concerns.

Anthony Please pray for wife&i are in our 50,s and we are homeless,and penniless.We desperately need a house or shelter.we have applied for ssi disability.we also need clothing,food,and money.GODS Blessings on you all.

Christa  I request a prayer for me for healing. Please keep on praying for me. God bless you

Erwin  Please pray for my friend Erwin, he has diabetes and is very very ill. he is fighting for life, dear Lord Please help him Heal. hes only 50 years old,and hes had just about enough hospitals stays, and amputations..Please pray for Erwin  Thank you friends,

Leslie  Please pray for deliverance from drug addiction.

Tyler  Please pray for, Tyler He was hit by a (Semi Truck) that was going (55) miles through an intersection. Tyler\'s vehical was hit \"broadside\" and he is in critical condition in the hospital. Please pray for healing and a speedy recovery...Thank you all so much, and God Bless You..Linda

Mary  Please pray for healing from cancer.

Elizabeth to have a home of my own where I live I being treating very disrespect every day no help with any thing cleaning paying bills. No money for food the person I live spend all money her self. I get Emotions abuse the person have to live emotion abuse every day I cry my self to sleep every night I get no money paying bills no help with cleaning no money for food I have no food I person I have to live with spend her money on her self only.

Jonathan  Please pray for strength resulting from a divorce.

Vito Im In Trouble, im not making enough money to feed my family, I have a business and the economy has decliened so bad that its hard to make ends meet, please pray for me and my family.And god bless you all.

Single Mother  Please pray for financial relief.

KM  Please pray that km overcome her-stress problem or medication problem.

Kelly  Please pray for Kelley she was let go of her job this month and is looking for a new job. Also pray she keeps her promises to me and my son.

Kathy Needs prayer for healing from colon cancer. She has two small children and a husband who need her.

Autry Diagnosed with painful debilitating eye condition called blepheritis. Please pray for me.

Juan My wife, kids and I can be a family again. Do away with the divorce. Heal my body and depression. so i may get back to work.

Patty  Please pray for my marriage and that I\'m free of any disease

Nick  I have become addicted to pain meds for 16 years now. Im at the point where i can take just enough to get by, Not to get high, however, i still need them, I used to be much worse but ive worked at it for so long that i just take a few a day. But without them,i get sick, i start to ache, i started taking pain pills when i had my back operated on. since the begining i was using much stronger pills, Now, with determination, im taking a low dose at a time a few times a day, sometimes 3. All i ask from God is to help me maintain this,because i do need the relief from my back pain, its very deliberating. i just dont want to ever go backwards, they way i used to take them.with the pills, i can function my everyday life within reason, without them i cant function, ive tried, ive tried and end up in the emergency room in pain and they end up giving me pain meds for the pain. All i ask dear Lord is just keep me where i am, keep me strong for my family and friends, Thank you my dear friends. Nick, South Dakota.

Craig  Please pray for healing from sickness.

Troy   I\'m 41. I\'ve wasted my life. I feel ashamed and the future seems dim.

CT Please pray that I get a promotion and that my financial situation is better. Please pray for my family

Joseph  Please pray for his children.

Petra  Please pray for help in finding a job.

Heather  Please pray for healing.

Mary  Please pray for healing.

Era  Please pray for deliverance from Satan.

Melva  Please pray for healing of the brain.

Karen  Please pray for help in finding a job.

Merle  Please pray for his wife who is ill.

Dawn  Please pray for financial assistance.

Steve  Please pray that he find a job.

Willa  Please pray for help with marital problems.

Virginia  Please pray for financial assistance.

Brittany  Please pray for her children.

Hedy  Please pray for healing from cancer.

Sherwood  Please pray for assistance with transportation matters.

Eileen  Please pray for an unspoken request.

Stephanie  Please pray for healing.

Richard  Please pray for financial help.

Mitchell  Please pray he be delivered from drug problems.

Catherine  Please pray she find employment.

Chuck  Please pray for comfort from a death in the family.

Pam  Please pray for her and her son to feel strength and happiness.

Gabe  Please pray for strength and a renewed spirit and mind.

Jordan  Please pray for complete healing.

Barb   Please pray that fear be released from her life entirely and in every manner.  

Denise Please pray for complete healing for her and her family from hurt and sorrow 

Adriana Please pray for healing and for the surrounding family that God will bring peace and love into the home.  

Dan  Please pray for healing from esophageal cancer.  

Dianne Please pray for her recovery from Interstitial Pulmonary Disease. She is currently at Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville, TN.  

Barb Please pray for Barb as she has extreme & severe neck pain that will not go away. Pray for healing and restoration of the bone structure.

Dan Please pray for Dan's recovery from losing more of his leg from diabetes complications.  

Greg Please pray for Greg that God will bring love into his life after a recent painful breakup.  

Charles Please pray for his healing he has blood in his stools and is very concerned. He also underwent a Quadruple Bypass in 2004, and has diabetes, nueropathy, lung decease and many other health problems.  

Chuck  Please pray for his healing from abdominal pain and his soon release from the hospital.   

Lorraine Please pray for my entire family who is suffering with cancer.  

Al Please help me pray for my sister and brother, my mother, my unsaved relatives and unsaved friends and neighbors. Please ask god to soften their hearts and reveal him self to them so they can be saved.  

Gracie Recovering from a knee injury that happened during a cheerleading stunt. Surgery went well, but there is a long recovery.  

Shiela & Charlie Charlie & Shiela recently lost their son & Shiela lost her mother to cancer.  

Carolyn my brother committed suicide this past weekend. He cut off all communication with loved ones and friends prior to his suicide. I request prayers for acceptance, comfort and peace and believing that he is in a better place.  

Eileen please pray for me to get a good job here in Dubai before my visa will expire.i hope God will also bless me with a good partner in life.  

Adrian from clombia is In need ofprayer for the persecution against her to stop so she can be free from attack please help her and pray.  

Anonymous Please pray for my 15 years old daughter has anorexia.Her weight drops a lot but she deny it.I don't know how to help her.  

Rose  I am asking all believers out there in the name of Jesus christ to pray for my situation right now. Let us all agree together according to matt 18:18-...  

Carly Please pray for the miraculous healing of 11 year old Carly and for her entire family to give their lives to the Lord.

Janet Please pray The Lord will hear her Parkensons disease.  

Jack May his depression be lifted and may he be surrounded by angels, light and the love of God. Thank you.  

Bailey Thank you Lord for my husband.   

Anonymous Please pray my family and I receive the help we need to keep a roof over our head and like others for a higher paying job, please pray that whatever the obstacle that may be blocking our blessing is revealed to us clearly and the solution, because this seems like and empowerment to fail. I have prayed and cried and fasted please pray with and for us for God’s Mercy and Miracle out of this situation.  

Ellen Please pray that I reconcile with Thomas. Also, pray that I find employment soon. Thank you  

Charlize  Please pray for Charlize, She is 14 months old and had open heart surgery yesterday. She was in surgery 6 hours yesterday and is now having complications. Her blood pressure is not stable and they believe she is having heart problems. Please pray for the family and the doctors.

Ora please pray for Ora as she is in the hospital in ICU and for her daughter Joan too as she can't be at the hospital much due to her stressful retail job all night with many people not doing their job and many calling out putting more stress on her as she is the shift manager.  

Wayne please pray for Wayne as he is in the hospital.  

Derick, Trish & Family please pray for Derick and Trish and their two sons. Their home in was destroyed by the flooding this morning.  

Jean  Please pray for strength & wisdom as she raises her young children alone after the loss of her husband  & all the struggles she has to overcome on her own.  

Group Pray for a group of people in the Nashville area that work together that God will undertake for them and bless them in all that they do.  

Alice Please pray for my wife Alice who has to reapply for her job to get her contract extended for another 2 years. Alice was miraculously healed of liver cancer. She is disabled but still working full-time. She has a lazy supervisor who is hostile, aggressive & abusive to her but she is good at her job & loves to work in this challenging field of nursing. Pray that GOD would intervene and open this door that a heathen clique driven by demonic spirits are trying to close this door.

Jay & Jill  Please pray that God will use this couple in a mighty way! Pray for Gods blessing to be on their family in all that they do and that God will make his will clear to them.  

Matt  please pray that he make a speedy recovery from what looks like an alergic reaction to an antibiotic.  

Meghan  Please pray for my daughter Meghan. She was homeschooled for 15 years and I led her to the Lord Jesus when she was seven or eight. She has turned away from the Church and doubts her faith as she has fallen into a hedonistic relationship with a non-believer.

Paula  Please pray for her recovery as she is battling Stage Four Invasive Ductal Carcinoma that has spread to her liver and spine.

Heather & Chris  Please remember Heather and Chris in prayer as their father just passed away. Please pray for their family members to find comfort.   

Jesse Thomas  Please pray for the family of 2 year old Jesse who passed away on Saturday. 

Denise Please pray for my husband to return home safely and soon.  

Mary  writes saying, I need prayer so bad. I am without a job my husband is without a job we live in a small town where no one is hiring. I will go to work iN August but things are tough all of our bills are due and there is no way to get money. I am about to loose my car if I don't come up with $1,900 by July 14th I can\' sleep at night I trust God but I am scared. I need prayer that God will provide I am standing on his promises never to leave or forsake me and to provide we have 2 children. Please as I type this prayer request I do so with tears in my eyes. I have been faithful to his word. I am at a Library because i do not have internet at home. I looked on line and found this sight.I really need to see God hand at work.  

Runnel   I rent my house to a woman she stop paying rent,she wont respond,and posts demonic signs on her car house.some kind of statue in yard? pray that she find another place to live and no torment me.Thank you in the name of jesus.

P.T. Please pray for P.T. - she is going through some financial difficulty since her husband lost his job. She also has been battling fibromyalgia and other ailments. Top top it off, her son has been battling cancer for a couple years. He will be 18 in a few days. This family has been hit with just about every thing imaginable. Pray that God will see them through all of this!  

Crosby Please pray for Crosby he has been in the hospital at Vanderbilt for 22 days, please help him get well soon and support his family through this time

Heather pray for me to overcome my addictions that are taking contol of my life.   

Cliff   Please pray for my son in Iraq. Also for all those who serve our country and have served. May God bring my son home safely.

Drake Family  Please pray for my family...My grandmother just passed away...just buried my grandfather last year and my lil cousin the year before....Please pray for my strenght and theres

Jacki   Please agree with me in prayer for my husband to surrender his life, his whole being to God again. Our marriage is not alligned with God will. I trying my best to be the Godly wife that God created me to be. I feel lost right now. Please pray for my husband, my four children and myself.

Brownie   Need prayers that I will be put in a situation where I will draw closer to the Lord and do His will with my life.

Dan  Please pray for physical healing. Several things appear to be wrong, diabetic, low platelet count and white cells, neurological problems, diagnosed with cancer four years ago. Recently developed severe pain in bones and fingers, but for months now I cannot seem to get my doctor to order the necessary tests. Please pray I would be able to get a referral to a hematologist for God\'s healing and intervention in this matter. Thank you.

Heather Please pray for healing of the nerves in her jaw after dental surgery. Please pray for her late friend Jim's family as well.  

Andrea  Pray that her life will take shape and that God will heal her life and family.  

Marlene  Pray for healing and recovery she has a collapsed lung and is in ICU.   

Bonnie  Please pray for finances for this family she has lost her job and is helping take care of her daughters 3 year old.  He son has a 2 year old that they are not able to see without a lawyer to handle the situation.  Pray God will bless Bonnie wiht a new and wonderful job and that God will move on and within this family.

No Name Given  Please pray for a dying man.  

Denise Prayer for my husband deliverence from drug addiction and bipolar disorder. I need strength, healing in my mind and body. I feel real stress dealing with my job. I really need god to move for me in the area of my marriage and job. I need help financially because my husband blows his money on drugs. We need a place to live of our own. Please Help

Seth   Pray that God will fully and powerfully answer it. Also, pray that God will purify my heart around this issue. Also, pray for the joy of the Lord.

Joan & Kathleen pray for special needs that are unspoken  

Regina pray for healing of her rheumatoid arthritis  

A (this is the only ID given) pray that everything will turn out alright  

Robert    pray that he will find favor in all the people that he works with and encounters.   

Rachel    pray for healing and a spiritual uplifting and for a husband and three little girls to have the strentgh to take care of their mother as she heals.  

Ron        pray for him to be able to keep his job  

Logan    pray that a friendship will be restored that is greatly misssed  

Ally      pray for a miracle for her and her family and that a root of evil be removed and she has a breakthrough in her life and in the life of her family.  

Brent     pray for his saftey, protection and a new life for this young man, pray angels keep him safe and free from the attacks of some evil people.   

Nicky     pray for her saftey, protection and a new life pray that angels keep them safe from attacks from an evil group of people.  

Tess      pray for healing of headaches and re occuring infections  

Chandler  pray for healing and re occuring infections  

Mike       pray for a financial breakthrough and the lifting of opression from his famil 

Addy       Pray for this child for healing and Gods Blessing  

Al           pray for recovery from mini strokes just lost his mother in law and his wife needs him  

Alexandria  pray for a much needed miracle to come her way  

Richard   pray for recovery from a stroke and his healing  

Tommy   pray for healing from autism and problems related to autism.  

Ray  pray that his cheating wife will return home, pray the hedge of Hosea around her  

Jim   pray for healing from stage 4 prostate cancer It is so advanced the doctors will not operate, give chemo or radiation therapy  

No Name   pray for man who has been taken off life support wih a severed spinal column and pneumonia 63 years old 2 daughters and 4 grandchildren  

migdalia715  pray for a homeless mother and 2 sons of two years to find an income and housing  

Ron    pray for the Lord to restore his mental health  

Brian    pray for his business and support for his young family  

Theresa   pray that tests show up negative and for healing  

Katie     pray for deliverance from evil influence and for her to find Christ and his lov 

Rhonda  pray for home & Job currently in a homeless shelter  

John      pray for healing from cancer  

Greg     pray for a new job and healing, Greg has lost is job and his retirement, he has diabetes and having trouble making ends meet. Pray that God will provide a way for him to refinance his home.  

Janet     pray for her spiritual condition.  

Bob C    pray for healing from cancer  

Ruth      pray for comfort for her and her family in the loss of a loved one  

Tom      pray for him and his family as he is losing his 12 year old daughter to menengitis.  

Mark     pray for him as he is suffering from very painful cluster headaches.    

Anne      Prayer for a new job answered

Dana       pray for her ministry  

Brooks Family    pray for recovery after a terrible family tragedy and loss of family members  

Tracey    pray that God will bless for acts of kindness shown to others  

Albert     pray for his dedication and for God's love to surround him so he can hear God's call  

Vickey    pray for comfort and healing from cancer  

Brenda    pray for strength and courage  

John      pray for healing from liver cancer  

Laurie   pray for comfort in the loss of a loved one  

Josh    pray for help caring for his grandmother  

Albert     pray for his eye problems  

Ruby    pray for salvation of her husband  

Jim     pray for his kidneys & diabetes

Joe      pray that his partner will return from an affair  

Laurie   pray for her husband  

Susan  pray for healing and for her children  

Paul    pray for financial problems  

Tom   pray for family  

Dean  undergoing cancer treatment

Greg   completed cancer treatments and the cancer is gone we need to thank the Lord for his continued healing.

Dan     needs to be called back to work full time

Gail      needing prayer for God's will and for a nice place to live   

Janet    recovering from back surgery  

Charlie   his nephew is 7 years old and has cancer. Charlies nephew is in desparate need of a liver  

Lynn      needs prayer for family  

Carole    prayer for comfort  

Mark       pray for harmony and employment  

Jonathon  prayer needed for healing  

Brenda      prayer for comfort and healing  

Ray          prayer for comfort and healing  

Tim        prayer for family members  

Shelia     prayer for cancer recovery

Tracy      prayer for God's will and for a job  

Eddie      prayer for stamina to keep up with a stressful family situation  


Pray for 1685 people who have prayer requests but do not want to give a name, nickname or any circumstances.  God knows who they are and knows their needs so please include this group of people when you pray!  When we started this prayer site we had no idea that we would receive so many anonymous prayer requests.  The only one who needs to know is the Lord who is going to answer the prayers, we have no need of the details!